about the task in front of us
At Black & Veatch, safety is a foundational value, not a slogan or a malleable priority. That’s because it’s the right thing, our clients demand it and our employee-owners — many taking on inherent dangers in doing the important work of building sustainable critical human infrastructure — deserve every expectation of making it home each day to their families.
It’s our unwavering goal to make each day injury-free, and our mantra is simple, boiled down to just three meaningful, defining words:
about the task in front of us
how to safely execute the work
according to the plan
Without reservation or exception, we encourage our professionals, contractors, vendors and clients to halt work on the spot when hazards or uncertainties about what’s expected arise. Our employee involvement imperative proactively improves behaviors and actions both in the field and in our offices. Our research-backed intervention strategies foster better behaviors and actions while mitigating hazardous conditions.
At Black & Veatch, it’s all part of a deep understanding that our people matter most — and that work settings should have health, safety and physical security baked into every task, every day. Because there’s simply no other way.