Grid Modernization
Grid Modernization Focuses on Renewables, Battle for Expansion Funds
From electrification to the generation mix, our energy ecosystem is changing fast, and utilities are getting out in front. In this report, industry stakeholders provide insights and expertise on the most imminent challenges and bright opportunities.
From U.S. electric utility boardrooms to the power plant control rooms, it’s a time of disruption. The kind that comes with an onslaught of headwinds in a sector engaged in evolution.
From California’s Pacific coast all the way to Maine’s Atlantic and all points in between, megatrends – everything from decarbonization to sustainability, electrification and climate change resilience – increasingly are driving discussion about the imperative of a modernized grid – “grid mod” in the sector’s parlance.
Grid Modernization Focuses on Renewables, Battle for Expansion Funds
New and evolving vulnerabilities demand greater protection. Build operational safety and security into critical projects.
Climate Concerns Intensify Nationally, But Recovery and Resiliency Vary by Region.