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Ongoing Operations

Proactively strengthen cybersecurity, safeguard OT assets, address vulnerabilities and elevate safety with cyber asset lifecycle management services for critical infrastructure while keeping your operations up and running smoothly.

Chana, Combined Cycle


Future-proof with cybersecurity lifecycle management

Protecting critical infrastructure goes beyond technology; it’s about safeguarding both physical and digital assets against growing threats. Yet building robust cybersecurity programs is an uphill climb for critical infrastructure industries. Organizations face hurdles like unclear roles, IT/OT friction, budget limits and evolving regulations. Break down these barriers with our cyber asset lifecycle management (CALM) services, designed to deliver cybersecurity solutions tailored to meet your needs. 

Strengthening industrial cybersecurity operations, CALM protects critical infrastructure across every phase of the asset lifecycle — integrating the latest OT cybersecurity trends as needed. CALM tackles financial, operational and organizational challenges, clearing the path to resilient cybersecurity. 

Together with CALM, critical infrastructure owners and operators can navigate complexities, overcome challenges and fortify their defenses to help ensure a secure future through a shared commitment to robust security and safety. 

Assessments and Planning

Wherever you are on your cybersecurity journey, we’re here to drive progress. Gain a complete picture of your needs through initial evaluations and lifecycle cyber risk assessments. Together, we identify and implement operational cybersecurity enhancements, creating a secure, resilient path forward tailored to your unique challenges and goals. 

  • Assessments and roadmap 

    • Master plans 

    • Organizational design 

    • Lifecycle planning 

  • Policy reviews and modification 

  • Asset inventory 

  • Threats and vulnerability analysis 

    • OT/ICS penetration testing 

    • OT vulnerability assessments 

    • Tabletop exercises 

    • Red teaming 

  • Security architecture review 

    • OT cyber segmentation review 

    • Configuration review 

    • Governance and regulation planning

Cybersecurity for every asset, every site 

Empower your critical infrastructure organization to build cybersecurity programs tailored to both overarching goals and unique site-specific needs with our CALM services.

- Program-level factors span all locations, covering essentials such as policy development, governance and incident response plans.  

- Site-specific factors focus on technologies and capabilities customized, implemented and maintained at each asset location, such as asset management, vulnerability management and system hardening. 

By aligning cybersecurity with both program and site needs, CALM seamlessly integrates into existing operations, making resilience second nature. Together, we create a unified, powerful defense — securing each asset, fortifying every site and protecting the future of your critical infrastructure. 


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