Black & Veatch is Recipient of the 2020 SAME J.W. Morris Sustaining Member Award

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Monday March 9th, 2020 | Overland Park, Kansas

Society of American Military Engineers selects Black & Veatch for the 2020 J.W. Morris Sustaining Member Award for their eminent contributions as a large Sustaining Member organization

The Society of American Military Engineers (SAME) has selected Black & Veatch for the 2020 J.W. Morris Sustaining Member Award. The J.W. Morris Sustaining Member Award is named in honor of Lt. Gen. John W. Morris, USA (Ret.). The award was first presented to a SAME Sustaining Member company (large company) in 1981. This prestigious award is given annually to one large company and Sustaining Member organization for their eminent contributions to SAME including:

  1. Appointing individuals to sustaining member representative positions for each Post affiliation.

  2. Company representatives take on leadership positions at the Post, Region and National level, including Board of Direction, standing committees and conference planning committees.

  3. Supporting Young Member participation in Society activities and mentoring programs.

  4. Supporting K-12, College Outreach and community service activities.

  5. Posts supported the nomination with validation of the company's participation during the past year in the form of attached letters of support.

  6. Advertisement in SAME publications.

  7. Exhibiting and sponsoring activities/events at SAME National and Region Conferences.

As a past recipient of the J.W. Morris Sustaining Member Award in 1985, Black & Veatch has continued to partner and support SAME for decades. Like SAME, Black & Veatch is committed to engage and support their mission to “Build leaders and lead collaboration among government and industry to develop multidisciplined solutions to national security infrastructure challenges.” Black & Veatch partners with SAME for the purpose of helping fulfill this mission and to help them flourish. When they flourish, everyone wins, for Black & Veatch is able to present committed professionals and support to help aid our U.S. Government and industry partners.

Black & Veatch engages numerous professionals as Sustaining Member Representatives at dozens of Regional Posts in multiple SAME regions in addition to its National membership. Black & Veatch also encourages and supports its Young Members to regularly attend multiple events, monthly luncheons, mentorship programs, Science Technology Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) camps and conferences. Additionally, Black & Veatch continues to engage in many annual SAME activities and events at the Post, Region and National level.

This award will be presented during the Society Ball & Awards Gala at 2020 Joint Engineer Training Conference & Expo (JETC) on May 29th in the Ballroom of the Marriott Marquis Washington DC. This award truly reinforces our commitment and engagement with SAME.

Black & Veatch looks forward to continuing their SAME involvement in 2020!

“Our Black & Veatch team is tremendously proud to be the J.W. Morris Sustaining Member awardee. It is extra special for me since I knew LTG Morris and also served with his son when we were Lieutenants in Germany and later as Battalion Commanders. Being recognized is wonderfully rewarding since we believe SAME is so beneficial to our profession. We feel honored to be a part of this special organization, centered around so many of our clients and potential teammates.”

– Randy Castro, President, Black & Veatch Federal Business


About Black & Veatch

Providing resilient solutions to our nation's mission-critical facilities, infrastructure, and programs worldwide.

Black & Veatch is an employee-owned engineering, procurement, consulting and construction company with a more than 100-year track record of innovation in sustainable infrastructure. Since 1915, we have helped our clients improve the lives of people in over 100 countries by addressing the resilience and reliability of our world's most important infrastructure assets. Our revenues in 2018 were US$3.5 billion. Follow us on and on social media.

About Society of American Military Engineers

Founded in 1920, the Society unites public and private sector individuals and organizations from across the architecture, engineering, construction, environmental and facility management, cyber security, project planning, contracting and acquisition, and related disciplines in support of national security.