Water Utilities

Echo Park Lake Restoration Receives AAEES Grand Prize for Environmental Sustainability

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Tuesday April 29th, 2014 | OVERLAND PARK, KAN.

Black & Veatch project improves water quality and protects wildlife habitat

OVERLAND PARK, Kan. (24 April 2014)—Restoration of Echo Park Lake and its parklands has received the 2014 Environmental Sustainability Grand Prize from the American Academy of Environmental Engineers and Scientists (AAEES). Black & Veatch provided engineering and design services for the multi-year project.

“This award recognizes the efforts of the City of Los Angeles to restore the centerpiece of a valuable urban park,” said Cindy Wallis-Lage, President of Black & Veatch’s water business. “To meet their goal for a sustainable solution, we were challenged to deliver a chemical-free water treatment plan. Our innovative approach has allowed Echo Park Lake to regain its place as a center for community recreation.”

The project was financed by the City of Los Angeles Proposition O. The measure required water quality improvement, and vegetation and habitat restoration. The Black & Veatch team delivered multipurpose solutions while balancing the City’s goals and objectives in a sustainable manner. The project maintains the lake’s important flood control, recreational and aesthetic features.

“The key to this project was collaboration,” added Black & Veatch Project Manager Hala Titus. “We are pleased to have been able to help return Echo Park Lake to the community.”

Editor’s Notes:

  • The Excellence in Environmental Engineering and Science™ Competition recognizes projects that demonstrate an integrated approach that considers the environmental impact. Other criteria include customer satisfaction, innovation, and project complexity.

  • The bond-funded $45 million project redefined the lake as a stormwater treatment facility.

  • One of the major goals of the project was to improve water quality in the lake to meet the water quality objectives established by the California Regional Water Quality Control Board.

  • The AAEES announced the winners of its national Excellence in Environmental Engineering & Science competition at its Annual Awards Luncheon & Conference on April 24th.

  • Dr. James L. Barnard, PhD, Global Practice & Technology Leader in Black & Veatch’s water business and developer of the biological nutrient removal (BNR) process that provides a chemical-free solution to removing nutrients from used water, delivered the keynote address.

Media Contact Information:

ROCHELLE NADHIRI | + 1 913 458 9863 p | +1 415 860 6879 m
NadhiriRM@bv.com | 24-HOUR MEDIA HOTLINE | +1 866 496 9149

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