KBV Shepard Power Partners EPC Project Helps Meet Alberta's Electricity Needs

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Tuesday April 21st, 2015 | Calgary, Alberta
The Shepard Energy Centre uses advanced technology to increase efficiency, reliability 

Calgary, Alberta (21 April 2015) – The Shepard Energy Centre is fully operational. The 800-megawatt (MW) natural gas-fueled combined cycle plant located in Calgary, Alberta provides the equivalent electricity for over half of Calgary’s metropolitan residents. KBV Shepard Power Partners — a partnership between Black & Veatch and Kiewit Energy Canada Corp. — successfully completed the engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) scope for the facility. ENMAX Corporation and Capital Power Corporation share joint ownership of the plant. 

“Shepard Energy Centre provides a reliable supply of electricity that integrates seamlessly with the larger grid,” said Dean Oskvig, president and CEO of Black & Veatch’s energy business. “This is especially important as it enables the system to be responsive to changes in demand and accommodate intermittent power resources.”  

“We’re pleased to have had this outstanding opportunity to help build the largest natural gas-fueled power facility in Alberta,” said Dave Flickinger, president, Kiewit Power Group Inc. “It was a valuable experience for our people, who take great pride in delivering a power project that will impact so many residents in the province.” 

The facility uses advanced technology to increase efficiency and lower environmental impacts. It utilizes tertiary water from a Calgary wastewater treatment plant to meet process and cooling water requirements. This lowers the amount of freshwater needed for operations. The facility’s technology also decreases CO2 emissions to an amount that is 50 percent lower than traditional coal-fired plants on a per MW basis. 

“We designed Shepard Energy Centre with a focus on value and sustainability.The high efficiency and low emissions of this plant will provide clean low cost energy for Albertans for years to come.” 

David Moore, Black & Veatch project manager 

“With more than 1,100 craft workers on site at the peak of construction, support from our client and our partners in our safety efforts was key,” said Brad Traverse, Kiewit project manager. “Reaching 4.3 million hours of work without a lost-time incident on a project of this scale was a great accomplishment for the entire team.” 

The Shepard Energy Centre features two 240-MW natural gas-fueled combustion turbine generators and one 320-MW steam turbine generator. Construction began in 2011.  

Editor’s Notes: 

  • The Shepard Energy Centre is the first combined cycle power plant in Canada to employ G class advanced gas turbine technology and the largest natural gas-fueled power facility in the province of Alberta. 

  • The project was completed on schedule and on budget. 

  • The plant’s arrangement is based on Mitsubishi 501G gas turbine generators and includes two Vogt heat recovery steam generators with SCRs for NOx control and significant duct firing capability to augment power during peak hours. 

  • The project included provisions for future CO2 capture which positions the facility to further reduce emissions while meeting increasing energy demands. 

About Kiewit 

Kiewit is one of North America’s largest and most respected construction, mining and engineering organizations. With its roots dating back to 1884, the employee-owned organization operates through a network of subsidiaries in the United States, Canada and Australia. Kiewit offers construction and engineering services in a variety of markets including transportation, water/wastewater, power, oil, gas and chemical, building and mining. Kiewit had 2014 revenues of $10.4 billion and employs 25,700 staff and craft employees. 

Black & Veatch 

ROCHELLE NADHIRI | +1 913-458-9863 P | +1 415-860-6879 M NadhiriRM@bv.com |  

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TOM JANSSEN | +1 402-342-2052 P | tom.janssen@kiewit.com  

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Black & Veatch is an employee-owned, global leader in building critical human infrastructure in Energy, Water, Telecommunications and Government Services. Since 1915, we have helped our clients improve the lives of people in over 100 countries through consulting, engineering, construction, operations and program management. Our revenues in 2018 were US$3.5 billion. Follow us on social media.