The unspoken caveat behind those responses could come down to money, as is often the case for a utility. Compliance with certain standards could be technologically possible, but at what cost?
Traditional drinking water treatment plants are very effective at removing biological and physical contaminants such as sediment and organic materials from the influent water, but these facilities are less effective at removing certain chemicals. For that reason, respondents indicated similar concern over the presence of chemicals in their water source as in the treated water.
Drinking water stakeholders cited more concern over biological contaminants in the treated water than in the source water, which could be an indication of the recognition that biological contaminants like coliforms and viruses are regularly present in many upstream water sources and confidence in treatment systems abilities to remove then under normal operation. The level of concern for biological contaminants downstream in a drinking water system encompasses both the recognition of the possibilities of treatment failures and the opportunity for regrowth in the distribution system.
If sudden changes are observed in the loading rate of physical contaminants, like sediment and plastics, it can cause upsets in utility operations, resulting in excess solids production or more frequent backwashing of treatment processes to meet treatment goals. This explains the higher concern of physical contaminants in the source water rather than the treated water.
Lead Remains a Priority
With nearly 26% of drinking water respondents listing lead as a contaminant of concern, the third highest result (Figure 29), it is clear that it remains a priority for drinking water providers.
In 2019, the EPA proposed revisions to the Lead and Copper Rule that would increase monitoring requirements and create a lead trigger level that is lower than the current action level based on the presence of lead in drinking water at the tap. These changes primarily impact systems that have remaining distribution piping and components containing lead, such as lead service lines, lead solder and brass fixtures.
Removing lead service lines is mainly a challenge in the Upper Midwest and East Coast, where housing and infrastructure tends to be older than the rest of the nation. Removing lead service lines across the United States could cost more than $30 billion, and many of the service lines cross onto private property and are only partially owned by the drinking water utility.
When asked whether there were unknown pipe materials in a drinking water utility’s water distribution system, more than half encouragingly responded “no, none at all”. The high level of “no” responses could be due to greater asset diligence following lead release events in Washington, D.C., in 2004 and in Flint, Michigan, in 2015 and 2016. Those adverse events could have forced water utility managers to identify, with more specificity than ever before, what materials were used for pipes, valves and meters in their distribution systems.Still, more than 40 percent of respondents answered some variation of “yes” to this question, possibly indicating that detailed asset inventories are under way or will be conducted when required by regulations.
Overall, the contaminants our drinking water facilities are tasked to remove is an everchanging list with ongoing adjustments to regulated levels. These facilities are designed with multiple levels of treatment using a combination of chemical, physical and sometimes biological processes to produce finished water that meets regulatory standards.The challenge facing regulators and utilities, especially when considering PFAS, is agreeing to a required target treatment level that is both appropriate and achievable.
Looking at the survey results in Black & Veatch’s 2020 Strategic Directions: Water Report, the overall picture that emerges is of an industry confident in its ability to provide high quality drinking water meeting current and future water quality target.
About the Authors
Nick Burns is the director of water treatment technologies at Black & Veatch. He has 19 years of experience with advanced water and reuse treatment technologies, and has worked in Australia and the Mideast, with project experience throughout the United States. He leads a team of drinking water process engineers solving treatment issues across North America.
Dustin Mobley is the drinking water PFAS leader at Black & Veatch. He has more than a decade of water process experience in the evaluation and design of water and wastewater treatment processes for municipal water treatment clients. His responsibilities have included engineering studies, conceptual design, front-end engineering design, detailed design, and procurement of water and wastewater equipment. Most recently, he has been involved in pilot testing and full-scale design of activated carbon and ion exchange technologies for the removal of PFAS from drinking water.
Christopher Tadanier is the West Region water process leader within the Water Technology Group at Black & Veatch. He specializes in source water quality evaluation, water treatment process selection and design, and environmental chemistry. He has performed dozens of water quality and treatability evaluations related to a variety of drinking water supply and treatment projects.
Emily Tummons is a drinking water process engineer and lead and copper corrosion control leader. She has designed and conducted water quality and corrosion studies for potable water treatment systems involving desktop, bench-scale and pipe-loop evaluations to optimize corrosion control in the distribution system. She also has been involved in process optimization studies and regulatory reviews for municipal drinking water treatment facilities.