2,500 MW Combined Cycle Samalkot Power Plant
Black & Veatch is the Sole Designer of the 2,500 MW Combined Cycle Samalkot Power Plant
Black & Veatch worked with Reliance Power Limited (Reliance) on a sole-source basis to design the Samalkot power plant, a 2,500 megawatt (MW) combined cycle facility. Black & Veatch is also supporting the design of a gas-insulated switchgear (GIS) and high voltage cable system associated with the project. Samalkot is among the largest gas-fired plants of its kind in India. Producing the energy equivalent to power more than 2 million homes, the plant will support economic development across India’s southeastern region.
“The team of Reliance and Black & Veatch worked together to solve some very complex and integrated problems. As one of the top consultant companies, we hold them with the highest esteem and respect. On the whole, we have found that it is beneficial for both Black & Veatch and Reliance to work together and learn new things.”
Kul Bhatia, Senior Vice President, Reliance
Local Design
Samalkot was the first large and complex combined cycle project to be built by Reliance. Reliance contracted Black & Veatch to complete the design of the project because of its global expertise in power generation. In order to be able to support its aggressive schedule, Reliance wanted the detailed civil design to be completed by a local engineer. Therefore, the design is being completed in four Black & Veatch design offices and the office of the local civil designer.
Samalkot is made up of three power blocks, each consisting of two 9FA GE natural gas combustion turbines, two heat recovery steam generators and one steam turbine. Each block has a capacity of approximately 830 MW. The plant, which is fueled primarily by local natural gas reserves, was constructed allowing for the possibility of expansion to 4,100 MW.
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