Kentucky Lock and Dam Upstream Monoliths P&S

Kentucky Lock and Dam Upstream Monoliths P&S

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Project Name
Kentucky Lock and Dam Upstream Monoliths P&S
Nashville, TN
USACE Nashville District

Black & Veatch has participated on a team with Nashville District (LRN) and the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) on multiple projects, including the Analysis and Design of Large Upstream Concrete Lock Monoliths. Black & Veatch designed two U-Shaped concrete monoliths (one included the miter gates), the culvert valve monoliths and transition monoliths to the chamber monoliths.

We performed a stability analysis of these monoliths that included: overturning, sliding, and flotation analysis. We also performed a Static and Dynamic 3-D Finite Element Analysis to evaluate seismic effects. Quest performed a soil-structure-interaction analysis that Black & Veatch used to develop the 3-D finite element ANSYS model that incorporated the SSI output.

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