Plant in Thailand Provides Seed and Growing Materials to Local Farmers in Return for Biomass Fuel

- Project Name
- Lamphun Biomass Cogeneration Plant
- Location
- Lamphun, Thailand
- Client
- Sahacogen Green Co. Ltd.
Harvesting of agricultural biomass for electricity production can be done in a way that protects the environment, reduces greenhouse gas emissions and creates sustained socio-economic benefits. These fundamentals were behind the Lamphun Biomass Cogeneration Plant, located at the Saha Group Industrial Park, Lamphun, Lamphun Province, Thailand.
Driven by the need for sustainable and holistic energy solutions, the plant is powered by biomass fuel produced by local farmers and by local agro-waste, a by-product of harvesting agricultural crops, around the industrial park area. A sustainable system was set up where Sahacogen provides seeds and growing materials to the local community in return for biomass fuel consisting of rice husk and wood chip.
The collaboration is a win-win for all parties involved. Not only does it mobilize the local community, it enables a steady supply of combustible biomass fuel – essential to the powerplant. It also reduces air pollution by eliminating the burning of agro-waste, which was common practice before the biomass plant was built. Sahacogen also has its own land where fast growing trees are cultivated as another source of biomass fuel, and local workers are hired to tend to and harvest the trees.
Black & Veatch was engaged by Sahacogen Green Co., Ltd. to support development of the 9.9 megawatt (gross) direct combustion biomass cogeneration plant. The plant produces both electricity and steam. The steam is consumed by the factories in the industrial park while the electricity is sold to the Provincial Electrical Authority.
As the Owner’s Engineer, Black & Veatch performed the role of supporting Sahacogen Green when execution issues were discovered. Black & Veatch also worked with the EPC (engineering, construction, procurement) contractors to provide comprehensive reviews of design documents and reviewed the submission of the performance test plan.
“The Black & Veatch team worked diligently and around the clock to provide trusted counsel. We are very proud of the successful completion of the project and of our collaboration,” said Teerayuth Kaewcoon, Project Manager, Sahacogen Green Co., Ltd.
In line with Thailand’s Very Small Power Producer (VSPP) program for diverse renewable energy options across the country, the plant has played a critical role in supplying the Saha Group Industrial Park-Lamphun with safe and sustainable energy. Commercial operation began in 2011.
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