Water Supply Project Benefits 3.5 Million People in India


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Project Name
Kerala Water Supply
Kerala, India
Kerala Water Authority

The Kerala Water Supply Project is the largest single water supply project in the south-west Indian state of Kerala. The project served to augment and rehabilitate a water supply system in five key areas across the state – Trivandrum, Kozhikode, Pattuvam, Cherthala and Meenad.

Black & Veatch was appointed as partner in the international consortium providing design and supervision services to Kerala Water Authority. The project was aid-funded by the Japanese Bank for International Cooperation.

The project deliverables comprise five new water treatment plants; approximately 500 kilometres of new ductile iron and mild steel transmission mains; 70 service reservoirs; 8,000 kilometres of distribution networks; and rehabilitation of three existing treatment works.

Through its role in the Kerala Water Supply project, Black & Veatch has helped provide a water supply system that will benefit around 3.5 million people living in the state’s urban areas.

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