Hydro Generator Expertise Brochure | Black & Veatch

Hydro Generator Expertise Brochure

Generation equipment does not last forever. Market changes that favor cyclical modes of operation, increased starts and stops, and frequent torque fluctuations reduce life expectancy. End-of-life can first appear as cracks in the rotating parts, stator or foundation; partial discharge and shorts in the stator winding; or perhaps decreased performance and reliability. Rapidly aging equipment results in a difficult decision point with questions such as: “Which cracks or deviations are concerning?” “Which ones require immediate action?” “Which symptoms are benign?”

To help owners make the best decisions, Black & Veatch has assembled a staff with decades of experience and expertise in the fundamental design and care of hydroelectric generators. Our team executes sound assessments and analyses to deliver clear, focused and actionable results to restore reliable, efficient operation.

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